Mayor Adams continues to cut services New Yorkers need while leaving the NYPD's 11Billion + budget almost untouched, despite the NYPD's consistent failure to end or substantially reduce crime. Mayor Adams also continues to expand the NYPD's role in our lives. The NYPD are not youth development specialist, not mental health experts, and not homeless services - and they shouldn't be. If you agree click on the image to learn more and get involved.

Families Organizing
Our Families Organizing Program is the only one of its kind in NYC. Families whose loved ones were murdered by police develop and launch campaigns to win systemic change, support one another, and move their collective work forward.
While Families Organizing is only open to families. Survivors and other New Yorkers can also join the rapid response team, case support, and campaign support.
Justice Committee has almost 40 years of experience supporting the families of New Yorkers murdered by the NYPD and survivors of police violence.
We help families and survivors, get answers, find and identify their loved ones bodies, navigate the legal system, understand their organizing options, and fight for accountability.
Case Support
Community Defense (CD) organizes New Yorkers of color to co-create community safety alternatives towards a future without police. Current campaigns and programs include:
Divesting from NYPD & investing in communities.
How Many Stops Act
Removing NYPD from Mental Health Response
Community Defense

Join our fundraising committee otherwise known as the Fund Team.
Email maria@justicecommittee.org to learn more.
Support Racial Justice Organizing
The Justice Committee relies on our community members like you to make our work possible. Please support our work organizing to end police violence and systemic racism and build safe, healthy, powerful communities by clicking on one of the buttons to the right to donating online today.

#ThisStopsToday Dec. 4th 2014