Gladys Williams Charter Revision Commission Hearing Testimony
I’m Gladys Williams and my son Antonio Williams was killed by the NYPD in 2019. He was just a Black man standing on the street in the Bronx waiting for his cab when plainclothes cops jumped out of their vehicle, chased, beat and murdered my son without cause. Those police were so reckless in shooting all over the place that they killed one of their own that night too.
I’m testifying to call for the Charter Commission to not place anything on the November 2024 ballot. I was shocked to learn about this commission, your rushed timeline and reporting that cites the How Many Stops Act as one of the supposed reasons this commission was created.
I’m speaking as a mother and as someone who fought for the How Many Stops Act. When the NYPD murdered my son Antonio, it was because they illegally escalated what would have just been a level-one stop. I was proud to fight for the How Many Stops Act and speak at rallies, to elected officials and at the hearing because this was also a way to fight for my son. It took a long time before the City Council passed the legislation – and it wasn’t a secret or rushed or hidden process the way this commission seems to be.
In fact part of why it took so long to pass the legislation was that the NYPD has too much power in any legislation related to them – whether it’s at the city or the state level. They held up the passage and with the mayor they led a massive misinformation campaign with their press access and their money for public relations. I was proud of the City Council for overriding the mayor’s veto – especially after the huge misinformation and bullying by the NYPD about these common-sense, simple laws.
I’m calling on you to say no to putting anything on the November ballot because I think you’ve been misinformed and that as a result you’re misinforming New Yorkers. If anything, there needs to be fewer obstacles to pass police accountability bills for NYers’ safety -- and the NYPD and police unions shouldn’t be able to interfere as much as they do. The NYPD already acts like they’re above the law – there’s multiple laws they don’t comply with and they shield officers who kill and brutalize New Yorkers from discipline. The police already have outsized influence, they’re not elected by the people and they shouldn’t have as much control as they do. Letting the police have so much power in public affairs is bad for democracy and it’s bad for public safety.
The rushed timeline already makes this seem like a rigged process – if it’s not, then I’m calling on you to not put anything on the ballot in November. It’s outrageous to think that you’ve rushed hearings through for a month, only since Jun 5th and you’re scheduled to vote on final ballot language on July 25th even though you haven’t told New Yorkers what the final ballot language will be. There’s no good reason to rush charter changes through in less than 2 months. That’s not democracy, that’s a sham. I call on you to do the right thing and don’t put anything from this commission on the November ballot.